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Webinar Details
Aaron Johnson
Aaron Johnson is a sex educator that focuses on the Chronically UnderTouched, particularly African Heritage people. As co-founder of Holistic Resistance, Aaron takes the time to hold the stories of black people around homophobia, transphobia, internalized racism, those that are Chronically OverTouched without consent, and incest survivors. Because the purchasing, selling, and commoditization of the sexual energy of black bodies is a part of American history, the long term impact of those trauma stories should be acknowledged and held as a part of sex education curriculum. In Aaron’s experience, a sex education program that does not include a deep analysis of the lynching of black people is incomplete. Aaron has created the African Heritage Chronically UnderTouched Project, the basic strategies to bring a young black man from being Chronically UnderTouched to a state of touch balance as part of the lifelong journey of interrupting white oppressive systems that make touch balance a radical action.
Porsha Beed
Porsha Beed is a sex educator and co-founder of Holistic Resistance. She is a facilitator, mentor, artist activist, deep listener, and heart holder of African heritage stories. She explores the intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality. She is an advocate for Black plus size women’s bodies full liberation, in particular she focuses on looking at The chronically-over touched black woman’s body. She looks at the ways that African heritage people’s bodies have historically and currently been harmed in America. She looks at how black men are often chronically under-touched, while black women are often chronically over-touched in the United States. She believes in the importance of looking at these unhealthy trends and helping be a part of the healing for the under-over-touched African heritage bodies. She is also an advocate for LGBTQ people of color that she mentors. Porsha believes that deep human connection has to be at the center of social justice work.

Hosted By: Katie Spataro
Katie Spataro is a somatic sex educator located on the unceded lands of the Duwamish people known as Seattle. She studies and practices at the intersection of birth work and sex work, drawing upon the embodied wisdom of these two lineages to support healing of the personal and collective cultural body.
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* Automatic renewal on the 1st day of February each year. All renewals are pro-rated.