Developing Authentic Client Partnership
April 17, 2024
9:00 AM PDT

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Webinar Details

How can somatic sex educators be in authentic client partnership? Explore the profound idea of being truly aligned with your clients and learn how to navigate the delicate balance between educating, guiding and coaching. Start to notice how your own assumptions and beliefs might not be true for your clients and how to help clients discover their own truth, and run sessions their way. Supported by engaging activities and real-life stories, we'll delve into the essential skills you need for client partnership. We'll show how to give clients more choice, and introduce exquisite questioning, where you guide client's attention using questions that have even the subtlest assumptions removed. You'll gain invaluable insights into fostering genuine client partnership, removing the assumptions you don't even realise you are making, and empower clients on their unique journeys of learning.

Melanie Knight

Melanie is a Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator. She has been a coach and trainer with the Sea School and the School of Somatic Sexology and she is currently serving on the Board of the ACSB and is a recommended supervisor of the ACSB.  She is a Clean language facilitator and has been learning Clean Language for over 3 years, after being introduced to it during her own Sexological Bodywork training.  She also has extensive training in Tantra and coaching of over 15 years.

Dr. Paul Field

Paul is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, certified Clean Language Facilitator, Trainer and Assessor, and is also trained in Somatic Trauma Therapy. He is one of the Association of Sexological Bodyworkers' recommended supervisors. Paul works with women who are reconnecting to their bodies, sexuality and spirituality, particularly after sexual trauma or difficult relationships with men. He brings a blend of embodiment, consent, awareness and tantric principles to create a safe, loving space of exploration.

Hosted By: Wendy Scheirich

Wendy Scheirich is a graduate of the Institute and has been an active practicing somatic sex educator in Manitoba since 2021. Arriving from a background in nursing, social services and feminist work, Wendy has been a social justice activist, life-long learner and edge-walker throughout her life. She is also an active participant with board and committee work on two associations in our field;  the ACSB and the SSEA.

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