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Webinar Details
Ailsa Keppie
Ailsa has been working in the field of hands-on bodywork for over a decade, bringing her background in dance, movement therapies, circus arts and teaching and practicing bodywork of many styles to her work in Nova Scotia, Canada.
She has an honours degree in Physiology from St. Andrew University in Scotland, is a Registered Massage therapist, an advanced Myofascial Release therapist, a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and graduate of the Canadian training in Somatic Sex Education, and an instructor of various continuing Education courses for Health professionals.
She is also honoured to be contributing to the Field of Somatic Sex Education this year by serving as Co-President of the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB) alongside Christiane Pelmas.
Hosted By: Tracy Montgomery
tracy is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, a Somatic Sex Educator and a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner. A lifelong teacher and learner who knows that life is supposed to feel good, tracy believes that when we feel at home in our bodies, we can come to know our divine, whole selves.
Based in Ottawa, ON, tracy works with individuals and partnered folks and leads playful, experiential workshops inviting students into a more joyful life experience. She is the President of the Somatic Sex Educators Association and creative admin | adjunct faculty for the ISSSE. Her passions are dance, song, sex, coffee, books, hugs, community, quality pens and chocolate, not necessarily in that order.
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* Automatic renewal on the 1st day of February each year. All renewals are pro-rated.