Improving Sexual Arousal Management with Erotic Bodywork
June 7, 2023
11:00 AM PDT

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Between 1980 and 2000, more than 5,000 individuals learned erotic massage from Joseph Kramer in classes. He also offered 5,000 individual erotic massage sessions. The agreed-upon intention in all of these sessions was to avoid orgasm/release. Joseph says "My students and clients experienced erotic massage as an optimal setting for learning new sexual skills while letting go of limiting sexual arousal habits. I wanted more people to benefit from the arousal offered during an erotic massage, so I created the profession of Sexological Bodywork." How can you help your client improve their sexual arousal management with erotic bodywork? In this presentation, Joseph will discuss core erotic bodywork practices that help our students notice arousal, play with arousal, up-regulate and down-regulate arousal, circulate arousal, and integrate arousal into their bodies and lives. Before engaging the podcast, Joseph recommends you read “Erotic Massage Dancing: Improving Sexual Arousal Management.” The text includes seven downloadable paced breathing files for your enjoyment.

Joseph Kramer

Joseph is an introvert who is more comfortable teaching via podcasts than teaching in-person classes. His parents taught him to be helpful. This led him to years of teaching writing to 13-year-old high school students. Those who learned writing from him found it very helpful throughout their lives. At the age of 28, after receiving his first massage, he decided to become a massage therapist. He then thought it would be even more beneficial for the world if he taught hundreds of massage therapists. So he started the Body Electric School of Massage. He soon thought that erotic massage and erotic bodywork would be even more beneficial for others. He hopes you will find this presentation on erotic bodywork helpful. 

Hosted By: Mehdi Darvish Yahya

Mehdi Darvish Yahya, MA, CSB, is an artist and a psychotherapist trained in the conventional therapy methods, creative arts therapies, sexological bodywork, and body-mind treatment modalities. He is deeply interested in holistic integrative approaches to trauma, the body, and relationship. Perfect Touch is his model for healing psychological wounds through the body’s natural processes of pleasure and healing.

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