Blocks to Pleasure: a Bioenergetic and Myofascial Approach
June 20, 2024
10:30 AM PDT

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Working with the transverse Fascial bands is one of the most effective ways to increase energy flow in the body. The thoracic inlet around the neck area, and the pelvic inlet, at the base of the torso, are often areas of restriction, as is the diaphragm in the middle of the two. These areas have more transverse fascia which, when it tightens, can both help move energy but also restrict movement if it becomes very tight. One can imagine the idea of peristalsis, a muscle wave that moves things through a tube, but can also become tight or dysregulated, leading to blockage and dysfunction. The convulsive movements of orgasm are one way to move energy through these areas and open up energy flow. The other discharging options we have are laughing, crying and retching. In this webinar we will explore these fascial bands with some hands on bodywork techniques as well as learn how to initiate the convulsive movements in our own bodies and have this as a therapeutic resource. We often have survival strategies in place that keep these areas tight and constricted so helping a client overcome fascial hypertonicity will likely elicit an emotional response as well as a physical one. This likely will require that we create a sense of safety and curiosity before attempting to remove fascial blocks we notice in a client. Overall, the freeing of energy to move in the body adds to the feeling of aliveness and joy of the person as a whole. Using an ethical approach means that we work within the capacity of the individual client to open and relax and not to force a release on our terms. This balance between encouragement and consent remains a challenge as we feel into the body and its holding patterns.

Ailsa Keppie

Ailsa is a Myofascial Therapist and Somatic Coach. Her background includes diverse studies in human movement and function. Movement therapies such as Feldenkrais intertwine with years of dance and physical theatre training. Her interest in the body was furthered by an Honours degree in Physiology from St. Andrews University in Scotland and training as a Massage Therapist and then Sexological Bodyworker in Canada. Her recent completion of a 4 year training group for Bioenergetic Analysis also influences her particular perspective of the human body and the movement of energy. Ailsa currently offers trainings and sees clients at her retreat center in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Hosted By: Corinne Diachuk

Corinne Diachuk is a Certified Yoga Therapist, a Certified Somatic Sex Educator, and one of the founders of the ISSSE. For decades, she has worked intimately with humans in the realms of touch, care, embodiment, ritual, yoga, sex, and celebrating the beauty of each moment. She is the past president and ongoing treasurer for the SSEA. Corinne is passionate about SSE, consent, and pleasure. She teaches courageous communication and radical self-responsibility as tools for intimacy and sacred sexuality. You can find her online and in person, teaching a yoga class, hosting a consent workshop, or for private sessions.

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