Somatic Sex Education Practitioner in Training

About Margaux

Practitioner in Training

Margaux Underwood (they/them) is a certified Sexuality and Intimacy Coach who specializes in embodied transformation around the unique desires and conflicts that arise in relation to arousal, sexual expression, and consent. With a passion for holistic well-being, they integrate body-based exercises into their private practice, Coalescent Coaching, empowering clients to reconnect with their bodies and cultivate pleasure in all aspects of their lives. As a pleasure activist and full-service sex worker, Margaux advocates for sexual liberation and empowerment, fostering an environment of acceptance and celebration of diverse desires and expressions. Currently pursuing certification through ISSSE to become a certified Somatic Sex Educator (aka, Sexological Bodyworker), they are committed to deepening their understanding of somatic approaches to sexual healing and expanding the tools available to support their clients on their journey towards fulfillment. Additionally, Margaux leads regular events under the FUSE workshop umbrella, fostering intentional spaces for individuals to cocreate communities built around shared values that support sexual freedom and personal growth.

Practitioner in Training Location

Dallas, TX
United States

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