Somatic Sex Education Practitioner in Training

About Makayla

Practitioner in Training

Hello, I am Makayla Anderson (she/her/hers). I identify as a cisgender, heterosexual, biracial, Christian female who loves to dance.

My journey has not been a straight line. I went to school and became a certified speech-language pathologist with an immense amount of knowledge in communication, both verbal and social.  However, for years I have been drawn to this specific work for others and myself. 

I have always been fascinated with people and how they think, feel, and interact. Due to my own history, I've struggled with intimacy with others and myself, setting boundaries, keeping my life and aspects of myself (mind, body, and spirit) balanced, and exploring and allowing myself to feel all types of pleasure. 

Due to this, I decided to follow my passions and seek knowledge and healing for myself through the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education in the pursuit of a certification as a Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker. Through my studies, I have felt more aligned than ever with my purpose. I want to help others, especially individual Christian women and couples, as I have helped myself, live a more full, balanced, empowered, and pleasurable life.

Practitioner in Training Location

Wilmington, NC
United States

Contact Makayla

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