The Fascial Feel Course

This course will be hands on in person for 4 hours per day for the 4 days allowing abundant time for sightseeing and integration in the beautiful Annapolis Valley, NS. Accommodations can be booked for 50 per person per night onsite. email [email protected] Myofascial release is a way of connecting to the body in a profound way. Taking this course as a therapist you will learn and experience ways to engage with the fascial tissue at the restriction or barrier, and learn to allow change, softening and releasing to happen. This physical and energetic communication between practitioner and client, and between the cells of the client’s own body, facilitate transformation and release of old patterns, toxins and beliefs that have held the body prisoner to pain and restrictive forces, sometimes for years. This light, gentle but profoundly effective technique will greatly enhance your skills as a bodyworker, and give you powerful options in your work with clients. Even your awareness of your own somatic tension will increase, as you touch in to the wisdom of the body.




2367 Ridge Road
Nova Scotia
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